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Title: Quick Tips Nov/dec 94
Categories: Information
Yield: 1 info

Boning a Chicken Thigh

1. With the thigh skin-side down, make a lengthwise incision down to
the bone. then work the knife blade around the bone to free it from
the meat.

2. Crack the thigh bone in half with the back of a large chef's knife
or cleaver.

3. Pull out each half of the bone.

Freezing Fish

1. Partially fill a zipper-lock bag with water. Add whole fish or

2. Add more water until the fish are covered, and freeze.

Bouquet Garni

1. Put the herbs into the coffee filter.

2. Tie the coffee filter closed, catching the stems of the thyme,
etc. as you do so.

3. Tie the other end of the string to the handle of the pot or pan,
so you can easily retrieve the bouquet garni.

Chopping a Small Quantity of Herbs

1. Put the herbs in a small glass, and snip them with scissors until

Heating a Pasta Bowl

1. Place a colander in the bowl, pour the pasta and water into the
colander and let the hot water stand in the bowl for a few seconds to
heat it. Then pour out the water, put the pasta and sauce in, toss
it, and serve.

Creating a Vacuum Seal

1. Put the food in a plastic bag and insert a straw at one side. Seal
the bag around the straw.

2. Suck out as much air as possible through the straw, then remove the
straw and finish sealing the bag.

Slashing Bread Dough

1. Slashes in bread dough help it to expand evenly as it bakes.
However,m using a knife to make these slashes often pulls or tears
the dough, deflating the delicate structure. Sharp kitchen scissors
do the job quickly, cleanly and easily.

Chopping Celery Quickly

1. Recipes often call for a small amount of celery. Rather than
breaking off one or more ribs, try this. Chop the entire stalk across
the top. It is easier to get just the amount you need, and it makes
storing the celery easier, since the whole stalk gets shorter as you
use it.

Preparing a Persimmon

1. With a paring knife, cut out the large stem and surrounding leaves.

2. Make incisions just through the skin at «-inch intervals all the
way around the fruit.

3. Peel away the thick skin, and use the fruit.

Slicing Mushrooms

1. To slice mushrooms quickly, use an egg slicer.

Decorating Cookies

1. To make an easy garnish for cookies, place the cookies on a rack
over waxed paper, dip the tines of a fork into melted chocolate, and
wave it gently back and forth over the cookies, allowing the
chocolate to drip onto them in paralleled wavy line

Cook's Illustrated Quick Tips
November/December 1994
Submitted By DIANE LAZARUS On 12-20-94

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Ach, kocht doch einfach was ihr wollt! ...



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