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Das FKN-Rezepte-Archiv

Das größte Archiv überwiegend deutschsprachiger Rezepte *

Viel aus de.rec.mampf und weiteren Quellen. Wer seine Sammlung einbringen möchte um zum Projekt beizutragen - oder als Backup - wendet sich per Email an uns. Viel Spass beim stöbern in den 207.208 Rezepten!

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Title: Bean Burrito Layers
Categories: Main dish, Vegetarian, Mexican
Yield: 4 servings

1/2 c Green Lentils; dried
-- 1/4 c Pinto Beans; dried
1/4 c Red Kidney Beans; dried
-- 1/4 c Baby Lima Beans;
-- dried
1 ea Onion; medium
-- 4 ea Garlic Cloves
2 ea Jalapena Peppers *
-- 1 T Oregano; dried
1 T Chile Powder
-- 1/4 c Coriander Leaves;
-- chopped **
6 oz Monterey Jack Cheese; grated
-- 6 ea Flour Tortillas; 10"
1 ea Tomato; medium, chopped
-- 1 x Lettuce; shredded
1 x Salsa

Rinse lentils and beans, discarding any that look suspicious, and soak
in clean water 4 - 6 hours, or overnight. Put into medium saucepan,
bring to boil and simmer, covered, 30 minutes. Add water if necessary.
Peel and chop onion. Microwave on "High" 2 - 2 1/2 minutes until soft.
[If you prefer, you may saute the onion in about 2 T. oil. I omit the
oil to keep the fat content down. The flavour does not seem to suffer.]
Chop the Jalapena pepper. Adjust the quantity to your own taste and
/ or tolerance. (**) aka cilantro. Peel and crush the garlic. Drain the
lentil-bean mixture. Reserve 1/2 cup of liquor. In a food processor
puree the lentil-bean mixture, the onion, the garlic, the jalapena
peppers, the oregano, the chile powder, and the coriander leaves, adding
some of the reserved liquor as necessary to process. [The final puree
should be quite thick.] Pre-heat the oven to 325 F. Assemble as follows
on an oven-proof plate, pizza-pan or cookie-sheet: Place a flour
tortilla on the *lightly* greased surface. Cover with lentil-bean puree
[4 - 5 T.]. Sprinkle with Monterey Jack cheese. Add another flour
tortilla and repeat, saving enough cheese to cover the top of the final
flour tortilla. Bake for 20 - 30 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to
"firm-up" for 5 - 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with salsa, chopped
tomato and shredded lettuce. Serve with rice, Couscous and / or corn.
The amount of oregano, coriander leaves, chile powder, or jalapena
peppers may be varied to suit individual tastes. I use more peppers! If
you're prone to "problems" with beans, add 1/4 - 1/2 t. Hing [Hing is a
mixture of rice-flour, turmeric and asafoetida
found in most East-Indian specialty stores. It can significantly reduce
flatulence. Courtesy of Shareware RECIPE CLIPPER 1.1

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*: Diese Seite kann Spuren von Nüssen und Meerestieren ** enthalten.

**: Wir haben nichts gegen Meerestiere und es mussten auch keine Meerestiere für diese Seite sterben oder leiden.***

***: Was auch so bleibt, solange sie nicht anfangen zu studieren, diese Seite besuchen und beim lesen der Rezepte auf die Idee kommen, sich zu Beschweren.

Wir entschluldigen uns bei allen Liebhabern von Meerestieren!

Womit wir natürlich niemendem etwas unterstellen wollen!

Ach, kocht doch einfach was ihr wollt! ...



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