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Title: BUTTER BASICS - Country Cooking
Categories: Country coo, Information, Dips/spread
Yield: 1 info

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Butter is derived from the cream of whole milk, which is churned
until the butterfat particles are separated from the liquid and then
kneaded to form a solid mass. In the U.S., butter must contain at
least 80 percent milk fat by weight; a law prohibits the addition of
preservatives or additives (aside from salt and the natural food
colors in annatto and beta-carotene). Butter contains 100 calories
per T. It is available in lightly salted or unsalted varieties sold
in quarter-lb sticks or one-lb blocks. Butter absorbs odors and
flavors from other foods, so store it tightly wrapped in your
refrigerator's dairy compartment, or freeze for up to five months.
Whipped butter sold in tubs-has a softer texture, but it should not
be used for baking; nor should the newly available "light butter,"
which contains the same ingredients as butter but has no more than 40
percent milk fat by weight.

CLARIFIED BUTRER Clarifying is a simple process that removes the milk
solids from butter. Without these solids butter has a much higher
smoking temperature, making it ideal to use for sauteing at high

To make clarified butter (also known as drawn butter or ghee), melt
unsalted butter in a saucepan over very low heat, allowing the
butterfat and milk solids to separate. When completely melted, remove
the pan from heat and set aside five minutes. A foam will rise to the
top; skim the foam and carefully pour the clarified butter into a
Container, leaving the solids on the bottom. Keep clarified butter

Country Cooking/Summer/94 Scanned & fixed by Di and Gary

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Wir entschluldigen uns bei allen Liebhabern von Meerestieren!

Womit wir natürlich niemendem etwas unterstellen wollen!

Ach, kocht doch einfach was ihr wollt! ...



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